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HGH frag 176-191 - это фрагмент гормона роста, который является препаратом №1 по своей эффективности сжигания жира. Данный пептид стимулирует липолиз в 12 раз мощнее, по сравнению с гормоном роста и подавляет образование нового жира. HGH frag 176-191 не оказывает никаких побочных эффектов на организм. Схема приёма HGH 176-191 делится на два способа. Закажите HGH frag 176-191 уже сейчас и получите подарок.

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Epithalon is a tetrapeptide associated with telomeres and telomerase. It is secreted by the pineal gland and has a molecular weight of 390.3459. Telomeres are regions of DNA sequencing that halt the degradation of genes and preserve the genetic code. Telomerase replenishes the lost amount of telomeres in the aftermath of a cellular division. Epithalon's overall functionality relates to its association with telomeres and telomerase, which helps maintain the functionality of the body.

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Epithalon Tetra Peptide is a peptide used to regulate the cell cycle through up-regulation of telomerase activity. Telomerase is a specific RNA-dependent polymerase that elongates and maintains the length of telomeres by adding tandem repeats on the chromosomal 3' end. The research and studies done concerning telomerase show that telomerase activity is limited to cell division through its action of stabilizing the telomere length.

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Melanotan and Melanotan II are analogs of α-MSH, responsible for skin and hair pigmentation, appetite, libido, and physical sexual arousal. This article focuses on their tanning and pigmentation properties, including their pharmaceutical names, amino acid structure, and molecular formula. The hormone is primarily stimulated by UV exposure, which prompts α-MSH release and melanin production from melanocytes in the skin.

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This study compares the activity of two corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) antagonists, astressin B and antalarmin, in rhesus monkeys. Astressin B was found to be more potent than antalarmin in abolishing the CRH-stimulated adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and cortisol responses. The differences between the two may be due to non-CRH receptor-mediated effects of antalarmin or to a complex interaction of antalarmin's effects at both central and peripheral CRH receptors.

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Epitalon 3 mg is a tetrapeptide that can reactivate telomerase production in cells, repair telomeres, and rejuvenate the whole body. Telomeres are found at the tips of DNA strands and prevent the loss of genetic information resulting from the chromosome-shortening which occurs with each cell division. Progressive telomere shortening is closely linked to many age-related diseases and is also predictive of early mortality in elderly subjects. If telomerase could be activated, cells could potentially exceed their critical ‘time limit’ and continue to replicate, avoiding one of the more apparently inevitable mechanisms of ageing. Epitalon is a major advance in anti-aging research and has been shown to increase the lifespan of rats by 25%.

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IGF-1 is a hormone responsible for long bone growth in children and muscle growth and repair in adults. IGF1-LR3 is a more potent version of IGF-1 that induces muscle hyperplasia and increases muscle cell growth. It has a longer half-life and causes localized IGF levels to rise. It can also increase the uptake of supplements and prevent muscle loss in PCT. Its potency is due to decreased binding to IGF binding proteins.

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Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly, also known as Epithalone, is a tetrapeptide that has been proven in lab studies to activate telomerase and cause telomere elongation. It does not activate telomerase in cancerous cells and has not shown any toxicity or bad side effects. Human trials have been done on elderly and some have begun home trialing of this tetrapeptide. It has potential benefits such as increased energy, improved focus, better sleep, and increased production of melatonin. If interested in testing this peptide, contact the site for more information.

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BPC-157 is a pentaecapeptide that is responsible for regulating and controlling various functions regarding the digestive tract. It possesses strong properties relating to angiogenesis and wound healing. It also has basic properties related to anti-inflammation, meaning that it can aid in subduing an animal test subject’s negative reaction to various pathogens.

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Researchers have found that the astressin-B peptide, which was being investigated for its effects on gastrointestinal function, induces hair growth by blocking a stress-related hormone associated with hair loss. The peptide was responsible for remarkable hair growth in bald mice, with just one shot per day for five consecutive days maintaining the effects for up to four months. The treatment of human hair loss could be achieved through the modulation of stress hormone receptors, particularly hair loss related to chronic stress and aging. The study suggests that astressin-B could be a cure for baldness.

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